When is the best time to start a new career in modeling?
First I hope this e-mail reaches you in the best of health. Hey, my name is Necia and I am 25 years old. I am currently in the process of moving from Miami,Fl. to Jacksonville, Fl. I met you when you came to Miami for the Moniques F.A.T Chance search I was one of the few to make it to the final interview with you and Ms.Monique. I wanted to get some advice on how to get started in modeling? I dont have I know at times potfolios are needed but I really can't afford one of those now...trust me I have called around they are costly. Can you help me with a little advice.I also have some attachements...you might remember me! Hope to hear from you soon...if not I understand you are a busy women.
Hello Necia!
I took a look at the picture you sent me and I have to be honest with you, although I can see that you have a cute face, I cannot see what your body looks like. And I NEED to see what your body looks like...so please send me a few more pictures of yourself (Full Body, and headshots) along with your "Stats' (Height, Weight, Dress Size).
The other thing is if you do NOT have the money to invest in your career....then DON'T start now. The business of modeling is an expensive one and you will only be doing yourself a great disservice by trying to start without the necessary finances.
My suggestion to you is to get a decent job, then start building up a little nest egg to invest towards your career and THEN start. Meanwhile, please send me those photos and I will be glad to respond to the other half of your letter.